Fund | Unplash by Pepi Stojanovski
Fund | Unplash by Pepi Stojanovski
Thanks to the South Dakota Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources, nearly $7.5M of the City of Brandon’s reverse osmosis water treatment plant expansion will be covered by American Rescue Plan Act grant funds. The rest of the project’s construction costs will be covered by a monthly surcharge on utility bills beginning in January. The City has secured a 30-year bond and loan payments begin in February. Here are the monthly surcharges that will be implemented as of January 1, 2023. The surcharge is labeled WTPSURCHARGE on your bill. The average home in Brandon has a meter size of 1 inch or less, which means the surcharge on water bills for most homeowners will be about $28.20 per month. Thank you, Brandon residents, for investing in better water for all of us.
#WaterVision #BrandonSD #BuildingaBetterLife #WaterSmarter
Original source can be found here.