Augustana University
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Sioux Empire Today Publication Area: How many H-1B petitions were made by employers classified under the Educational Services industry during 2024?
Employers classified under the Educational Services industry based in the Sioux Empire Today publication area submitted 35 H-1B petitions during 2024, according to data provided by the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services via the H-1B Employer Data Hub.
Average cost of college went up for students in Minnehaha County in 2022-23 school year
College tuition fees rose 2.8% in Minnehaha County in the 2022-23 school year, according to the latest disclosure from the National Center for Education Statistics.
70.3% of college applicants to Minnehaha County's 7 universities were admitted for fall 2022
Minnehaha County's seven universities admitted an estimated 70.3% of applicants for fall 2022, a decrease from the previous year.
Student body in Minnehaha County universities comprised mostly of white students in 2022-23 school year
Enrollment data for the seven universities in Minnehaha County revealed white was the most common ethnicity among students in the 2022-23 school year, according to the latest disclosure from the National Center for Education Statistics.
Minnehaha County awards $8,593,168 in athletically-related financial aid to students in 2023
Minnehaha County's two universities paid $8,593,168 in athletically related financial aid in 2023, according to the U.S. Department of Education.
Minnehaha County's institutions spent $2,784,310 on basketball teams in 2023
Minnehaha County's basketball collegiate teams received $2,784,310 in funding for the 2023 season.
Minnehaha County's women's football teams did not receive any funding in 2023
Women's football teams from Minnehaha County received no funding during the 2023 season, unchanged from the previous year.
Minnehaha County's men's football teams receive $4,246,691 in 2023
Men's football teams from Minnehaha County received $4,246,691 during the 2023 season, up 3.9% from the previous year.
How much did Minnehaha County spend on women’s basketball teams in 2023?
Women’s basketball teams from Minnehaha County received $1,342,919 during the 2023 season, up 4.2% from the previous year.
South Dakota: Minnehaha County’s men’s basketball teams budget decreases 30.4% in 2023
Men’s basketball teams from Minnehaha County received $1,441,391 during the 2023 season, down 30.4% from the previous year.
Minnehaha County's universities spent $4,246,691 on football teams in 2023
Minnehaha County's two colleges spent $4,246,691 on their football teams in 2023, an increase over the previous year.
2022: 31% of Minnehaha County students played sports on collegiate teams
Minnehaha County universities had 31% of its student body playing sports on collegiate teams in 2022.
45 coaches at institutions in Minnehaha County earned $70,699 on average in 2022
The average coaching salary at Augustana University, the only institution paying coaches during 2022 in Minnehaha County, was $78,941, according to the U.S. Department of Education.
Augustana University to Host Domestic Violence Awareness Forum
Augustana University is pleased to announce that it will host a Domestic Violence Awareness Forum on Thursday, Feb. 23, at 5 p.m., at Hamre Recital Hall in the Fryxell Humanities Center.
Virtual Tour of Midco Arena Released to Public for First Time
For the first time, the general public has an insider view of Midco Arena — the on-campus home of Augustana Hockey.
Augustana Students Awarded National French Honor Society Scholarships
Two Augustana University students have been awarded national scholarships for study abroad by Pi Delta Phi — the National French Honor Society for U.S. undergraduate and graduate students.
Join us Saturday for the Domestic Violence Awareness Forum
Join us Saturday for the Domestic Violence Awareness Forum at the Hamre Recital Hall in the Fryxell Humanities Center.
25.9 percent of Augustana University students played sports on university teams in 2017-2018
In 2017-2018, 25.9 percent of Augustana University students participated in collegiate sports, according to data made available by the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES).
Cost of college went up for all students at Augustana University
Tuition and fees rose 3.3 percent for 2018-19 at Augustana University, according to recent data from the U.S. Department of Education.
65 percent of applicants to Augustana University were admitted for fall 2018
At Augustana University, 96 percent of undergraduate students are traditional students - age 24 or younger - and 63 percent are female, according to the latest disclosure from the U.S. Department of Education.